Funny Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Funnies terminology and jargon:



MLCAMake Liberals Cry Again
MLGMy Large Goatee
MLGMushy Lizard Guts
MLIPMy Life Is Poinless
MLLMoney Losing Lacrosse
MLMMake Lotsa Money
MLMMoney Laundering Magic
MLMMany Lying Mouths
MLMMaple Leaf Mickey
MLSMac's Last Stand
MLSMysterious Little Squirrel
MLSMore Lousy Soccer
MLSMen Loving Squad
MLSMake League Stuff
MLWMartin Luther Wing
MLYMartin Luther Ying
MMMaster Misfit
MMMore Magnets
MMAMarble Man's Army
MMA -My Mathematics A minus
MMCMaiden Mother Crone
MMFMake Money Fast
MMFMalaysian Moffatt Fans
MMFSMagical Musical Food Shoe
MMGAMake Mongolia Great Again
