Funny Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Funnies terminology and jargon:



AARPAnother Arrogant Republican Promotion
AARPActually Against Real Protection
AASArrogance, Apostasy, and Stupidity
AASHVIKAmazingly Actual Stupid Human Vaunted In Kenya
AASSArmchair Advocacy of Science Skepticism
AATThe Alliance Against Trolls
AATOAcronyms Are Taking Over
ABAir Brick
AB$All aBout money
ABAAnything But Agriculture
ABAPAbsolutely Bogus Applications and Products
ABATEAlways Bring Alcohol To Events
ABBAnybody But Brooks
ABBAmerica's Behind Brasky
ABBRAngry Beaver Brought Rice
ABBRAny Black Bean Ranch?
ABBREVIATIONA Big Bad Record End Vault In At Time Of None
ABBREVIATIONA Big Boy Really Eats Vultures In A Tuna In Oxygen Neighbourhoods
ABBREVIATIONSA Bee Bursting Roses Everywhere Violently In A Town In Oregon, Nali Serega
ABCA Bored Capitalist
ABCAlways Be Cool
ABCAlways Burn Colorado
ABCAlready Been Converted
ABCAbysmal Brain Capacity
ABCAll Bout Cancellations
