Online Gaming Acronyms, Abbreviations and Slang

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Gaming terminology and jargon:



SMGHSalford and Manchester Gaming Haven
SMHShake My Head
SMKSuper Mario Kart
SMLSticky Monster Lab
SMLSuper Mario Land
SMM2Super Mario Maker 2
SMOSuper Mario Odyssey
SMOGSecret Masters of Gaming
SMPSurvival Multi-Player
SMPSuper Mario Party
SMPESMP (Survival Multiplayer) Earth
SMPLStan Minecraft PvP League
SMPLSMP (Survival Multiplayer) Live
SMSSuper Mario Sunshine
SMSSuper Mario Strikers
SMTVShin Megami Tensei 5
SNDSearch and Destroy
SNESuper Nova Elite
SNGSaturday Night Gaming
SNGSuper Nailgun Gaming
SNKSonic N Knuckles
SNSSSummon Night: Sword-craft Story (video game)
SOESony Online Entertainment
SOEWStory Of Eastern Wonderland
SOLSierra On-Line
