General Computing Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the General Computing terminology and jargon:



ALAddress List
ALCAudio Library Context
ALGAustin LinuxUser Group
ALGOLALGOrithmic Language
ALIApplication Loader Information
ALICEArtistic Linguistic Internet Computer Entity
ALISAustin Local Internet Society
ALOHAAdvocates of Linux Open-source Hawaii Association
ALOHAAdvanced Learning On Higher Arithmetic
ALPEAcedemically Loyal Prime Evalulator
ALSApplication Layer Structure
ALSAutomatic Line Switching
ALSAAdvanced Linux Sound Architechure
ALTApplication Load Table
ALTAlgorithmic Learning Theory
ALUAssociation of LISP Users
ALUGApple Libary Users Group
AMAccess Method
AMAutomatic Margins
AMAAdaptive Management Area
AMBCSAssociate Member of the British Computer Society
AMCAnnual Miantenance Contract
AMFAdvance Module Format
AMFActionscript Messaging Format
AMIAtlas Metadata Interface
