General Computing Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the General Computing terminology and jargon:



ASEApplication Service Element
ASESApproximate Search Engine for Structure
ASFOApplications Service Field Support
ASGCAl Shafar General Contracting
ASIAutomatic Scanning Input
ASIAdvanced Symbolics Inc.
ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuit
ASMAbstract State Machine
ASMApplication Switch Menu
ASMTAdministrative Systems Management Team
ASNAbstract Syntax Notation
ASN.1Abstract Syntax Notation One
ASOApplication Service Object
ASPAdvanced Systems Protocol
ASPAdvanced Spatial Parameterization
ASRAutomated System Recovery
ASRApple Software Restore
ASRSAutomatic Storage and Retrieval System
ASTAbstract Syntax Tree
ASTSAsynchronous System Traps
ASUApple Software Updates
ATAdvanced Technology
ATAAdvanced Technology Attachment
ATAAdvanced Technology Architecture
ATAGAssistant To the Adjutant General
