General Computing Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the General Computing terminology and jargon:



WPUHWeb Publishing Using HTML
WQGLWeb Query Graphical Language
WQLWMI Query Language
WQOWell Quasi Order
WRWorkload Repository
WREDWrong Reading Emulsion Down
WREUWrong Reading Emulsion Up
WRGHWalter Reed General Hospital
WRKCFGSTSWork with Configuration Status
WROCCWakefield RISC OS Computer Club
WRUGWindows on the Rockies User Group
WRUGWebRing Users Guide
WRWRWRite - Read - Write - Read
WSWeak Script
WSAWindows Sockets Api
WSAWashington Software Alliance
WSBDWhat Should Bill Do?
WSCMWIP Status Codes Maintenance
WSDWindows Serial Downloader
WSDWord Sense Disambiguation
WSDLWeb Services Description Language
WSFLWeb Services Flow Language
WSGWorkstation Services Group
