General Computing Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the General Computing terminology and jargon:



WTHWeb Team Hosting
WTMLWeb Testing Markup Language
WTMPWindows Temporary file
WTMSWeb Topic Management Subsystem
WTORWrite- To- Operator-with- Reply
WTUGWestside Technology Users Group
WTWGWagering Technology Working Group
WTXWokstation Technology eXtended
WTXPWatermark Time X Position
WTXUWebTerm X Upgrade
WTYPWindow To Your Pack
WUAWorkstation Users Alliance
WUBWriting Utensil Ball
WUBAWeighted Universal Bit Allocation
WUCWorldwide HP Users Council
WUCWorldwide Users Council
WUEWake- Up mode, Embedded
WUFWapenings UItwisselingsformaat beheer
WUGNETWindows Users Group NETwork
WUMWiener UmweltMeile
WUNWorldwide Users Network
WUSWord Underscore
WUSSWestern Users of SAS Software
WUUWisconsin Unigraphics Users
WUUWebCT Unique User
