Human Genome Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Human Genome terminology and jargon:



UBFUpstream Binding Factor
UBIUpstate Biotech, Inc.
UBQUbiquitin mRNA
UCUniversity of California
UCAUser Created Animal
UCBUniversity of California, Berkeley
UCLAUniversity of California, Los Angeles
UCP-1UnCoupling Protein 1
UDGUracil- DNA Glycosylase
UDGUracil DNA Glycosylase
UDSunscheduled DNA synthesis
UEGUnderstanding Eukaryotic Genes
UGEUndetected Genetic Event
UGIUracil Glycosylase Inhibitor
UGTUridine 5’-Diphospho-Glucuronosyl Transferase
UHUnstable Helix
UIBCUnsaturated Iron Binding Capacity
UICMUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine
UIMUbiquitin Interaction Motif
UIPUndegradable Intake Protein
UMUnvoiced Mutation
UMBCUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County
UMDSUnited Medical & Dental Schools (University of London)
UNCUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
