Human Genome Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Human Genome terminology and jargon:



VWMVanishing white matter
W/TWild Type
WADBWestern Australian DNA Bank (medical research)
WAGERWestern Australian Genetic Epidemiology Resource
WASPWiscott Aldridge Syndrome Protein
WASPWiskott Aldrich Syndrome Protein
WBCWhite Blood Cell
WCCSWorkshop on Complete cDNA Sequencing
WCNWallenberg Consortium North
WCPFWhole Cell Protein Fingerprinting
WDWilson disease
WDDWorld DNA Day
WFFAWaste Free Fatty Acid
WGWhole Genome
WGAWhole Genome Analysis
WGAWhole Genome Amplification
WGACWhole Genome Analysis Comparison
WGACWhole Genome Assembly Comparison
WGCDWhole Genome Composition Distance
WGDWhole Genome Duplication
WGDWhole Genome Duplications
WGEWTSI Genome Editing
WGEWhole Genome Enrichment
WGEAWindow Growth Evolutionary Algorithm
WGEPWhole Genome Expression Profiling
