Human Genome Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Human Genome terminology and jargon:



WPPWgroove Wall- Peptide- Peptide- groove Wall
WRNPthe Werner Protein
WSESWorld Scientific and Engineering Society
WSPGWorld Summit on Plant Genomics
WTWild Type
WTGRWild-Type Glucocorticoid Receptor
WTHAWild- Type HA molecule
WVFCWest Valley Fertility Center
WWOXW W domain containing OXidoreductase gene
WWP1W W domain-containing Protein 1
WWP2W W domain-containing Protein 2
WWRWrong Way Response
WWRHWide-cross Whole-genome Radiation Hybrid
WY1PAP-specific I-Ag7-restricted T-cellline
WYV1WhiteYellow Virescent Gene
WYWWinding Your Way Through DNA Symposium
X/XODXanthine and Xanthine Oxidase
XACXenopus Actindepolymerizing factor/ cofilin
XASX-linked AlportSyndrome
XBF-1Anterior Neural Plate-specific Winged Helix Transcription Factor
XCIX- Chromosome Inactivation
XCNXenopus CN (cyanide) autoinhibitory domain
XDGXanthine DeHydrogenase
XEFXenopus Elongation Factor
