Human Genome Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Human Genome terminology and jargon:



TLCTotal Luxury Care
TLRToll-Like Receptor
TLRSToll-like Receptors
TMBPTesticular Metal Binding Proteins
TMBPTrehalose Maltose Binding Protein
TMBPTilapia Mannose Binding Proteins
TMCLTransgenic Mouse Core Laboratory
TMITransgender Male Intercourse
TNITrusted Network Integration
TOBITarget Of Brain Insulin
TOGTumor Overexpressed Gene
TOMTime Of the Month
TOMTranslocase Outer Membrane
TP53Tumor Protein p53
TPATissue Plasminogen Activate
TQMTechnical Query Measurement
TRACTime-Released Arginine and Creatine
TRBPTAR RNA Binding Protein
TRDMtransient reduction of DNA methylation
TRETestosterone Response Element
TRFLPTerminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism
TRHThyrotropin Releasing Hormone
TRIGTraining Residents In Genomics
