Geography Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Geography terminology and jargon:



GEOGRAPHYEarth Graphing
GEPGeography Environment and Planning
GESGeographic Enterprise Solutions
GESGeography Environmental Sciences
GESGeography and Environmental Science
GESGeography and Environmental Systems
GESGeography and Envir Studies
GESGeography and Environmental Studies
GESGeography and Environmental Sciences
GESERGeo Research
GESGGeography Education Specialty Group
GFDAGeography Faculty Development Alliance
GFTGeographic Full Time
GGCMGlobal Gridded Crop Model
GGCMGeospace General Circulation Model
GGDIGlobal Geospatial Data Infrastructure
GGEGeography Geology and Environmental
GGEGeography Geology and the Environment
GGISGovernment and Geographic Information Services Task Force (University of Maryland)
GGSGeography and GeoInformation Science
GGTAGhana Geography Teachers Association
GGVGeography of Genetic Variants
GHTGeographic Hash Table
