Geology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Geology terminology and jargon:



BCBlack Canyon
BCBlack Creek
BCEBefore Complete Extinction
BCEBefore Common Era
BCEBefore the Common Era
BCYBank Cubic Yards
BDSNBerkeley Digital Seismic Network
BEGBureau of Economic Geology
BENABritish Empire Naturalists' Association
BFRBig Fat Rock
BFWBankFull Width
BGGBiology Geography and Geology
BGPSBiology Geology and Physical Sciences
BGSBelow Ground Surface
BGSBritish Geology Survey
BGSBritish Geological Survey
BHGBlack Hills Gold
BIFBanded Iron Formation
BIMSBritish and Irish Meteorite Society
BJGBrazilian Journal of Geology
BLMBureau of Land Management
BLSBelow Land Surface
BMEBulk Mining Explosives
BOMGBulletin Of the Marine Geology
BPBefore Present
