Geology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Geology terminology and jargon:



VAPTVulnerability And Penetration Testing
VEIVolcanic Explosivity Index
VESVertical Electrical Sounding
VESUMount Vesuvius
VFVia Filling
VGPVolcanoes, Geochemistry, and Petrology section of American Geophysical Union
VGPVisiting Geologists Program
VHMSVolcanic-Hosted Massive Sulfide
VHPU. S. Geological Survey Volcano Hazards Program
VHTVery High Temperature
VINCIVirtual Intelligent Networks for Computing
VMMVolcanomagnetic Modeling Maglab
VOVolcano Observatory
VOCVolatile Organic Compound
VOGVOlcanic Smog
VPTVerified Paper Trails
VRVolcano Run
VRMViscous Remanent Magnetization
VRSDVisualization of Remote Sensing Data
VRSRVectorSeis Remote Seismic Recorder
VSVery Slight
VSMVolcano System Monitor
VSNVirtual Seismic Network
VSPVertical Seismic Profile
VSTVane Shear Test
