Geriatric Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Geriatric terminology and jargon:



PEGPercutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
PGPaediatric and Geriatric
PGCPhiladelphia Geriatric Center
PGCMProfessional Geriatric Care Manager
PGHPiedmont Geriatric Hospital
PGRSPlutchik Geriatric Rating Scale
PHPRDPaid Hours of care Per Resident per Day
PICOPatient-problem or population , Intervention, Comparison-control or comparator, Outcome
PLWDPerson Living With Dementia
QIFQuality Incentive Funding
RARheumatoid arthritis
RESTORheumatism Exists, So Topple Over
RGPRegional Geriatric Program
RQIResident Quality Index
RSWRegistered Social Worker
SAM3Sensors and Analytics to Monitor Memory and Mobility
SFPAGSpecial Fellowship Program in Advanced Geriatrics (Stanford University; California)
SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timed
SMWTSix Minute Walk Test
SOSSlower, Older, Smarter
SRTSenior Resource Task
SSWGSocial Service Worker Gerontology
STTStraight To Triage
TIRRThe Institute for Rehabilitation Research
