Golf Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Golf terminology and jargon:



GAINGolf Accessible and Inclusive Network
GALVGolf Association of the Lehigh Valley
GALVGolf Association Of Lehigh Valley
GAMGolf Association of Michigan
GAOEGolf America Online Entertainment
GAPGolf Association of Philadelphia
GASPGrip, Aim, Strike, Posture
GATEGolf And Trout Estate
GBFGolf Ball Finder
GBNGolf Business Network
GBTBCall sign on my airplane " Golf Bravo Tango Bravo"
GCGolf Club
GCAAGolf Coaches Association of America
GCAFAGCGuide Dogs of America Foundation Annual Golf Classic
GCBCGolf Course Business Consultants
GCCBGolf Country Club Basel
GCEHGolf Club Essen Heidhausen
GCGBGolf Club Great Britain
GCHNGolf Course Home Network
GCMAGolf Club Managers Association
GCMAGolf Club Managers' Association
GCSAAGolf Course Superintendents Association of America
GDGolf Designs
GEAGolf Equipment Aficionados
GEGCGolden Eagle Golf Club
