Hardware Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Hardware terminology and jargon:



ROMICRead Only Memory Integrated Circuit
ROPARemote Optically Pumped Ampifier
ROT13ROTate 13 encoding
RPCIReconfigurable PCI-BUS Interface
RPCMResilient Power Control Module (RPCM Smart PDU)
RPIRequest Progression Interface
RPMRevolutions Per Minute
RPMBReplay Protected Memory Block
RPPSRate Proportional Processor Sharing
RPSRear Projection System
RPSRack Protection System
RPSRemote Power Supply
RPSMAReverse Polarity SubMiniature version A
RPSSRedundant Power Supply System
RPUReconfigurable Processing Unit
RPURedundant Power Unit
RRReceive Ready
RRAMResistive Random Access Memory
RRBDReally Really Big (disk) Drive
RS-232Recommended Standard 232 (EIA standard for transmitting serial data)
RS-422Recommended Standard 422 (ANSI/EIA standard for transmitting serial data)
RS-423ARecommended Standard 423A
RS-485Recommended Standard 485
RSDLReverse Spiral Dual Layer

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