Hardware Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Hardware terminology and jargon:



VFVariable Frequency
VFBGAVery Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array
VFRVery Flippin Reliable
VGAVGA (Video Graphics Array) Graphics Adapter
VGBVideo Graphics Board
VGDVideo Graphics Display
VGMViking Generic Memory
VHBVery High Brightness display
VHDLVHSIC Hardware Description Language
VHDLVHSIC Hardware Definition Language
VHDLVerilog Hardware Description Languageb
VHIVideo Hardware Interface
VHSVideo Home System
VHSICVery-High-Speed Integrated Circuit
VHTVirtual Heat Treatment
VHTVery High Temperature
VHXVideoHighway Xtreme
VIVertical Interrupt
VICVoice Interface Card
VIDVoltage IDentifier
VIDVoltage Identification Digital
VIKVirtually Indestructible Keyboard
VIPVersatile Infrastructure Platform
VISViewable Image Size
VISViewable In Screen

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