Hardware Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Hardware terminology and jargon:



ARMSAdvanced Reticle Management System
ARMSActive Real-time Machine System
ARTAudio Response Terminal
ARTSAnalog Real-Time Synthesizer
ASAccelerated Standard
ASAutonomous System
ASAAdvanced Speaker Array
ASBAdvanced System Bus
ASCAccessory Switch Controller
ASCKAsynchronous Serial Clock
ASDApple Service Diagnostic
ASDAdjustable Speed Drive
ASDApple Service Diagnostics
ASDPAutomation of Structure Determination Platform
ASFArchitecture Simulation Framework
ASFAutomatic Sheet Feeder
ASHWIDApplication Specific Hardware Identifier
ASICApplication Specific Integrated Circuit
ASICApplication-Specific Integrated Circuit
ASIDAddress Space IDentifier
ASIOAudio Signal In Out
ASMAutomatic Storage Management
ASPATM Switch Processor
ASPAuxiliary Storage Pool
ASPDAdvanced Scalable Processor Design

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