Healthcare Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Healthcare terminology and jargon:



ACHEArkansas Colleges of Health Education
ACHIArkansas Center for Health Improvement
ACHIAustralian Classification of Health Interventions
ACHIAlliance for Community Health Integration
ACHIAustralasian College of Health Informatics
ACHIAfrican Community Health Institute
ACHIPPPAssociation of Child Psychologists in Private Practice
ACHLAcademy for Continued Healthcare Learning
ACHLAfrica Centre for Health Leadership
ACHNADAMS Compassionate Healthcare Network
ACHNACCESS Community Health Network
ACHOOAugustana Community Health Outreach Organization
ACHOOAmerican Central Health Organization Olfactory
ACHRAdvisory Committee on Health Research
ACHRAustralian Centre for Health Research
ACHSAustralian Council on Healthcare Standards
ACHSAdult Correctional Health Services
ACHSAdler Community Health Services
ACIAdvancing care information
ACIHAgency for Cooperation in International Health
ACIHAspen Center for Integral Health
ACIHAcademic Collaborative for Integrative Health
ACISAssessment of Communication and Interaction Skills
ACPHSAlbany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
ACRAmerican College of Radiology
