Hobbies Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Hobbies terminology and jargon:



WASAWestern Action Shootists Association
WASGWestern Australian Speleological Group
WAUBWAshington Upland Bird Stamps
WAZEWildlife Aquatics Zoo and Exotics Club
WBACWest Brabantse Aero Club
WBAQWooden Boat Association Of Queensland
WBBAWisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas
WBBAWestern Bird Banding Association
WBCWorking Breeds Club
WBCCWorldwide Bi-Metallic Collectors Club
WBCMWorking Breeds Club of Mashonaland
WBFNWillow Beach Field Naturalists
WBFTWild Bird Federation Taiwan
WBGAWestern Belted Galloway Association
WBHAWisconsin Bear Hunter’s Association
WBHAWisconsin Buckskin Horses Association
WBJSWyoming Blues and Jazz Society
WBKAWarwickshire BeeKeepers Association
WBMCWest Bank Motorcycle Club
WBQAWorld Barbecue Association
WBSGWestern Boater's Safety Group
WBSJWild Bird Society of Japan
WBTGWines By The Glass
WCAWeatherby Collectors Association
WCAAAWomen of the Canadian Aerial Applicators Association

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