Hydrology Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Hydrology terminology and jargon:



TDTorrential Downpour
TFTorrential Flow
TMCThousand Million Cubic
TMWAMTurkey-Mersey Watershed Acidification Model
TWLTop Water Level
UNETAn internal program for water flow simulation.
UPHUnsolved Problems in Hydrology
URUltimate Recovery
USCUniversity of South Carolina
USHHUrban Stormwater Hydraulics and Hydrology
VUVolume Unit
WBIWestern Branch Intermediate
WBMWater Based Mud
WBORWest Branch of the Ompompanoosuc River
WCSWater Column Separation
WEDCWater Engineering and Development Center
WETWater Enhancement Textures
WFYFWest Fork Yankee Fork
WHPAWellHead Protection Area
WHSIPWellhead Shut-In Pressure
WMCSWater Management and Conservation System
WOCWater-Oil Contact
WOTUSWaters Of The United States
WQHWater Quality and Hydrology Group
WRAPWater Rights Analysis Package

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