IEEE Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the IEEE terminology and jargon:



PFPower Factor
PFRVPower Frequency Recovery Voltage
PHDDPower Hybrid Decision Diagrams
PHPIEEE Transactions on Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging
PIPSProtection of Industrial Power Supply
PLSBProvider Link State Bridging
PMDennis J. Picard Medal for Radar Technologies and Applications
PMMPermanent Magnet Motor
POGPassword Operation Gem
PPCPulsed Power Conference
PPNAsPeriodic Plasmonic Nano-Antennas
PQAPower Quality Analysis
PRPeer Review
PROCPROCeedings of the IEEE
PROFIBProcess field bus
PSFCPower Signal Feedback Control
PTGECProfessional Technical Group on Electronics Computers (Predecessor to IEEE Computer Society)
PTGEWSProfessional Technical Group on Engineering Writing and Speech (IEEE Technical Communication Society)
PTLIEEE Photonics Technology Letters
PTLNPower Transmission Line Network
PWE3Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge
PYBUSPlebeian Youth Binary Unification Societies
QFNNQuadratic Function Neural Network
QJAm I transmitting?
