IEEE Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the IEEE terminology and jargon:



CEGCertified Engineering Geologist
CFCFRCharacteristic Frequency Component of Faulted Rotor
CG-MComputer Graphics and Applications Magazine
CIMPCentral Insertion and Monitoring Point
CITSInternational Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems
CLFIConfidence Level of Feedback Information
CMSECenter for Materials Science and Engineering
CMSEComputational Mathematics, Science and Engineering
COM-MIEEE Communications Magazine
COMPASSCOMPuter ASSurance Conference
COMPCONSIEEE COMPuter Society International CONference
COMSOCIEEE Communications Society
COSLComplementary Output Switching Logic
COWTCOmplex Wavelet Transform
CPIRConference Publications Information Repository
CPSCable Protection System
CPSAIEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award
CRCompliance and Reporting
CSIEEE Computer Society
CS-MIEEE Control Systems Magazine
CSCMCurrent-Speed Character of Motor
CSE-MIEEE Computational Science and Engineering Magazine
CSFECenter for Seabees and Facilities Engineering
CTCurrent Transformer
CTATPCommittee on Transportation and Aerospace Technology Policy
