Institutes Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Institutes terminology and jargon:



VPTIVirtual Professional Training Institute
VRIVehicle Research Institute
VRIVermont Reads Institute
VRIVishwamitra Research Institute
VRMIVirtual Reality Medical Institute
VSIVinyl Siding Institute
VSIVarsity Student Institute
VSITVishnu Sree Institute of Technology
VTIVector Technology Institute
VTPIVictoria Transport Policy Institute
VTPIVoorhees Transportation Policy Institute
VTTIVirginia Tech Transportation Institute
VUIVattikuti Urology Institute
VVIVan Vollenhoven Institute
VVITVasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology
VVTIVeterans Vocational Technical Institute
WAALIWestern Australian Aboriginal Leadership Institute
WAATIWest African Association of Theological Institutions
WAAUIs a financial institution for military
WADIWorld Apologetics and Discipleship Institute
WAGIWomen and Gender Institute
WAIIWest African Insurance Institute
WAIPHWest African Institute of Public Health
WAMIWest African Monetary Institute
WAWIWilliam Alanson White Institute
