Insurance Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Insurance terminology and jargon:



WAQSWhole Account Quota Share
WBIWentzel Bromiley Insurance
WBMIWest Bend Mutual Insurance
WCIBWalmsleys Commercial Insurance Brokers
WCIBWest Coast Insurance Brokers
WCIGWest Coast Insurance Group
WCIOWorkers Compensation Insurance Organizations
WCIRBWorkers Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau
WCIRBWorkers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau
WDISWidow's Death In Service benefit
WGIAWillow Glen Insurance Agency
WGISWestern Growers Insurance Services
WHIPWyoming Health Insurance Pool
WHITWestern Healthcare Insurance Trust
WIWisconsin Insurance
WIBTWisconsin Insurance Benefit Trust
WICCWomen in Insurance Cancer Crusade
WIFSWomen in Insurance Financial Services
WKIWesterholm Koehler Insurance
WMIWestern Mutual Insurance Company
WNICWashington National Insurance Company
WNICWindhaven National Insurance Company
WPWaiver of Premium
WPIAWestern Pennsylvania Insurance Agencies
WRINWorld Risk and Insurance News
