International Business Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the International Business terminology and jargon:



WBMWorld Business Management
WBMOWorldwide Business Management Outsourcing
WBOWorld Business Overseas
WBPWorld Business Partners
WBRThe best Rice
WBSWorld Business Strategies
WBTFWorld Business Transformation Forum
WCWorking Capital
WCIWorld Certification Institute
WCIBCWestern Canadian International Business Competition
WCNWorld Chambers Network
WCOWorld Customs Organization
WCOLWorldwide Cost of Living
WCYWorld Competitiveness Yearbook
WDISWorkforce Development Information System
WDMWhat's Dollar Mark
WDWTSWalt Disney World Transportation System
WEBWorld Equity Benchmark
WeBOCWeb-Based One Customs
WEBOPWeb OPerations
WECWorld Economic Consortium
WEDAWorld Economic Development Alliance
WERCWestern EHR Regional Collaborative
WERSWorld Engineering Release System
WEXCWorld Energy eXport Capacity
