International Business Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the International Business terminology and jargon:



WMOWorld Meteorological Organization
WMPFWorld Market Pulp Forum
WMPNWorld Marketers Partner Network
WMRCWorld Markets Research Centre
WNBCWorld Network Business Club
WNECWorld Nano- Economic Congress
WNRWerkstoffnummer ( Material Number)
WOFCWholly Owned Foreign Company
WOFEWholly Owned Foreign Enterprise
WOGWithOut Guarantee
WOLMWork, Organizations, and Labor Markets
WONWork Order Number
WORFWww Observing Remotely Facility
WPCWorld Petroleum Council
WPEMWasserstein Perella Emerging Markets
WPHGWertPapierHhandelsGesetz (Securities Trading Act)
WRLRWork Related Learning Report
WSBIWorld Savings Banks Institute
WSIEWorld Summit of Indigenous Entrepreneurs
WSISWorld Summit on the Information Society
WSTSWorld Semiconductor Trade Statistics
WTCWorld Trade Center
WTDRWorld Traders Data Report
WTFWorld Trade Federation
