International Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the International terminology and jargon:



AIASAlaska International Airport System
AIAVAkiyoshidai International Art Village
AIBArab International Bank
AIBAssociation of International Broadcasting
AIBCAlberta International Business Competition
AIBPAberdeen International Business Park
AIBPAssociation of International Boudoir Photographers
AICAsian International Championship
AICAnnual International Conference
AICAmerican International Chemical
AICAArion International Creative Activitivs
AICAAssociation of International Certified Aesthetician
AICAIAmity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
AICCArusha International Conference Centre
AICEAnnual International Conference and Exhibition
AICEAdvanced International Certification of Education
AICEAssociation of International Credential Evaluators
AICEAdvanced International Certificate of Education
AICEAdvanced International Certificate in Education
AICEAdvanced International Cambridge Examinations
AICEAdvanced International Certification in Education
AICEAdvanced International Certificate of Excellence
AICEIArab International Center for Entrepreneurship and Investment
AICEIArab International Center for Entrepreneurship Investment
AICFAmbassador International Cultural Foundation
