Investment Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Investments terminology and jargon:



ATARIAttitude Trigger Action Reward Investment
ATARIAttitude Trigger Action Reward and Investment
ATBAAreas To Be Avoided
ATHAll Time High
ATICAdvanced Technology Investment Company
ATIPActual Thrift Investment Percentage
AUDIAnother Underwhelming Disney Investment
AWIAAlabama Workforce Investment Area
AWIBAlaska Workforce Investment Board
AWICAlgoma Workforce Investment Corporation
BADBanque Africaine de Développement (in French) African Development Bank Group
BAIBrands As Investor
BAIBertelsmann Asia Investments
BAIABerwyn An Investment Advisory
BASICBoston Area Sustainable Investment Consortium
BATICBuild America Transportation Investment Center
BBABalanced Budget Amendment
BBIBest Business and Investment
BBICBlack Business Investment Corporation
BBICBlack Business Investment Corp
BCIBritish Columbia Investment
BCIABlue Collar Investment Advisors
BCICBoston Chinese Investment Club
BCIFBaja California Investment Forum
BCIFBlack Cooperative Investment Fund
