Irish Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Irish terminology and jargon:



BICOBritish and Irish Communist Organisation
BICOPBritish and Irish Conference on Optics and Photonics
BIESBritish Irish and Empire Studies
BIHSBritish and Irish Hypertension Society
BIIBiomarine Ingredients Ireland
BIICBritish Irish Intergovernmental Council
BILBritish Irish Lions
BIMMBritish and Irish Modern Music
BIRBritish and Irish Region
BNDCCBangor and North Down Camera Club (Northern Ireland)
BRUIBusiness Retail Union of Ireland
BSBIBotanical Society of Britain and Ireland
BSILBoston Scientific Ireland Limited
BTEASBack to Education Allowance Scheme (Ireland)
CARIChildren At Risk in Ireland
CARLINLittle champion Male given name of Irish origin
CBSICatholic Boy Scouts of Ireland
CCIACCalgary Canadian Irish Athletic Club
CCMICentre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland
CCNICharity Commission for Northern Ireland
CENIConstructing Excellence in Northern Ireland
CFMICentre For Mindfulness Ireland
CGIConfederation of Golf in Ireland
CHOMICentre for the History of Medicine in Ireland
CIAWCatskills Irish Arts Week
