Irish Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Irish terminology and jargon:



CIDACeltic Irish Dance Academy
CIGACouncil of Irish Guiding Associations
CILCommissioners of Irish Lights
CINIChildren In Northern Ireland
CIRAContinuity Irish Republican Army
CIRAContinuity Irish Republic Army
CLRGan Coimisiún Le Rincí Gaelacha
CLUDThe character Clud is mentioned as the father of Gwawl in the First Branch of the Mabinogi. The legends known as “The Four Branches of the Mabinogi” originated in Ireland and, though heavily redacted and translated to Middle Welsh, they still retain many names which are two or more Irish words written phonetically by a listening scribe and fused together as a single Middle Welsh word– e.g. Arawn, Annwfyn, Mabinogi, Rhiannon, etc. Little is known of Clud other that he was father of a very rich, big, brown-haired, silken-dressed, swaggering, impressive trickster called Gwawl to whom the beautiful maiden Rhiannon was to be forcibly married. The relationship of Clud to Gwawl was seemingly more than that of father to son. It also was the relationship of rags to riches in one generation. ‘Clud’ is the phonetic spelling of the Irish word ‘clúid’ meaning rags; (singular form: ‘clúd’). We can therefore suspect that Gwawl’s father was a poor man – or dressed poorly. ‘Gwawl’ is the phonetic
CPNICommunist Party of Northern Ireland
CROCompanies Registration Office
CTBIChurches Together in Britain and Ireland
CTYICentre for the Talented Youth of Ireland
CUIChristian Unions Ireland
CUSAIColleges & Universities Sports Association of Ireland
CVIDChamplain Valley Irish Dance
DBIVDon Bosco Ireland Volunteers
DCSIDebt Collection Services Ireland
DELNIDepartment for Employment and Learning of Northern Ireland
DELNIthe Department for Employment and Learning for North Ireland
DENIDepartment of Education Northern Ireland
DIBDictionary of Irish Biography
DIGIDrinks Industry Group of Ireland
DIIBDundonald International Ice Bowl (Northern Ireland)
DINMDenise Irish Navarette Mercado
DITDublin Institute of Technology
