Irish Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Irish terminology and jargon:



DMBIDictionary of Methodism in Britain and Ireland
DOBIHDatabase Of British and Irish Hills
DOENIDepartment Of the Environment Northern Ireland
DSAIDirect Selling Association Ireland
DSAIDevelopment Studies Association Ireland
EFICErgyevanglical Fellowship Of Irish Clergy
EHIEquestrian Holidays Ireland
EISBThe Irish Statute Book
ELTIExecutive Language Training Ireland
EN-IEEnglish (Ireland)
EPCIEvangelical Presbyterian Church in Ireland
EPCIEvangelical Presbyterian Church of Ireland
ESAIEducational Studies Association of Ireland
ETBIEducation Training Boards Ireland
ETBIEducation and Training Board Ireland
FAIF***ing A**holes of Ireland
FANIFire Authority of Northern Ireland
FFAIFreedom For All Ireland
FIFFederation of Irish Fishermen
FIFHFighting Irish Fighting Hunger
FIPFFellowship of the Irish Photographic Federation
FIWCFighting Irish Wrestling Club
FIWCFederation of Irish Wolfhound Clubs
FNCIFriends of the National Collections of Ireland
FONIFreedom Of Northern Ireland
