IT Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the IT terminology and jargon:



2LCSecond Level Cache
2LDSecond Level Domain
2MIToo Much Information
2NFSecond Normal Form
2PCTwo Phase Commit
2PKDPTwo Party Key Distribution Protocol
2PLTwo Phase Locking
2RUTwo Rack Unit
2SATwo Step Authentication
2SPDouble Sided Printing
2SVTwo Step Verification
2TCTwo Tier Cooperation
2V2Two Versus Two
2VILUGDueville Linux Users Group
3ACC3a Central Control
3BMThree Button Mouse
3CLUGTri-Cities Linux Users Group
3COMComputers Communications and Compatibility
3DAThree Dimensional Array
3DAThree Dimensional Accelerator
3DAThree Dimensional Architecture
3DANNThree Dimensional Artificial Neural Network
3DASThree Dimensional Authentication System
3DDThree Dimensional Design
3DESTriple Data Encryption Standard
