IT Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the IT terminology and jargon:



3PSThird Party Supplier
3PTThird Party Transfer
3PTYThree Party Service
3PVThird Party Verification
3SIBThree State Image Button
3WCThree Way Calling
4BMFour Button Mouse
4CCFour Character Codes
4DOFFour Degrees of Freedom
4GLFourth Generation Language
4GTFour Gigabyte Ram Tuning
4GWFourth Generation Warfare
4MDFour Channel Multiplexer Demultiplexer
4NFFourth Normal Form
4PSKQuadrature Phase Shift Keying
5BMFive Button Mouse
5DOFFive Degrees of Freedom
5GLFifth Generation Language
5NFFifth Normal Form
5XBCOERFive X-Bar Central Office Equipment Reports
6DOFSix Degree of Freedom
6NFSixth Normal Form
8PSHEight Phase Shift Keying
;-;it’S When Someone is Acting Local ;-;
A&AArrival and Assembly
