IT Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the IT terminology and jargon:



A2KAccess 2000
A2PSAnything to Post Script
A2TApplication Architecture Technology
A3DAureal Three Dimensional
A3DAudio Three Dimensional
A3DAtrac-3 Data File
A3IAcceleration Architecture Acquisition Initiative
A4AIAlliance for Affordable Internet
AA&AFAnti Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering
AA1Acer Aspire One
AAAAuthentication Authorization Accounting
AAAAccuview Anti Aliasing
AAAAdvanced Account Access
AAAAscii Adjust After Addition
AAAAces of Ansi Art
AAAIAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
AAAIAmerican Association for Artificial Intelligence
AAAMUGArkansas Apple And Macintosh Users Group
AAASApplication As A Service
AAASAnalytics As A Service
AAASAuthentication As A Service
AAASApi As A Service
AAASAutomation As A Service
AABAll to All Broadcast
AABAndroid App Bundle
