Journal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Journals terminology and jargon:



AJALAsian Journal of Applied Linguistics
AJALArgentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics
AJALArab Journal of Applied Linguistics
AJALAustralian Journal of Adult Learning
AJALAustralian Journal of Asian Law
AJAMSAsian Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
AJAMSAcademic Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences
AJAMSAmerican Journal of Advances in Medical Science
AJAMSAmerican Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
AJASAustralasian Journal of American Studies
AJASAfrican Journal of Aquatic Science
AJASAmerican Journal of Applied Sciences
AJASAmerican Journal of Arabic Studies
AJASAustralasian Journal of Animal Sciences
AJBAmerican Journal of Botany
AJBAmerican Journal of Biochemistry
AJBMSThe American Journal of Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences
AJBMSAsian Journal of Business and Management Sciences
AJBMSAsian Journal of Business Management Studies
AJBMSAmerican Journal of Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences
AJBMSAsian Journal of Biological and Medical Sciences
AJBPSAsian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
AJCAtlanta Journal Constitution
AJCAmerican Journal of Cardiology
AJCCAmerican Journal of Critical Care
