Laboratory Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Laboratory terminology and jargon:



AMPLAdvanced Molecular Pathology Laboratory
AMPLAdvanced Manufacturing Processes Laboratory
AMPSAssessment of Motor and Process Skills
AMRAdaptive Mesh Refinement
AMRantimicrobial resistance
AMRLArmored Medical Research Laboratory
AMRLAerospace Medical Research Laboratory
AMRLAutonomous Mobile Robotics Laboratory
AMRLAdvanced Materials Research Laboratory
AMRLAASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory
AMRLAdditive Manufacturing Research Laboratory
AMSAntimicrobial stewardship
ANAAnti-Nuclear Antibody
ANASLAnimal Nutrition Analytical Service Laboratory
ANCAAnti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody
ANCLApplied Neural Control Laboratory
ANCRAcademic Network for Clinical Research
ANELArmenian National Engineering Laboratories
ANGLArizona Noble Gas Laboratory
ANIMALAutomatic Non-linear Image Matching and Anatomical Labeling
ANLArgonne National Laboratory's
ANLEArgonne National Laboratory East
ANMAuxiliary Nursing Midwife
ANPLApplied Nano Photonics Laboratory
ANPLAutonomous Navigation and Perception Laboratory
