Laboratory Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Laboratory terminology and jargon:



ASCLArkansas State Crime Laboratory
ASCLAffective Social Computing Laboratory
ASCLAutonomous Systems and Control Laboratory
ASCLSAmerican Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
ASCOTAnglo Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial
ASCPAmerican Society for Clinical Pathology
ASCTAmerican Society for Cytotechnology
ASEActive Selection of Experiments
ASELApplied Space Exploration Laboratory
ASELApplied Science and Engineering Laboratories
ASELAdvanced System Engineering Laboratory
ASIAdvanced Solutions, Inc.
ASLAdvanced Supplementary Level
ASLArterial Spin Labeling
ASLArterial Spin Labelling
ASLApplied Science Laboratories
ASLAdaptive Switch Laboratories
ASLAPAmerican Society Of Laboratory Animal Practioners
ASLLApplied Spectroscopy Laser Laboratory
ASLMAfrican Society for Laboratory Medicine
ASLMAfrican Society of Laboratory Medicine
ASLNAuthorized Service Laboratories Naktuinbouw
ASMAAnti-Smooth Muscle Antibody
ASMDAutosomal Segment Mesenchymal Dysgenesis
ASNTAmerican Society for Nondestructive Testing
