Laboratory Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Laboratory terminology and jargon:



FISHFluorescence In Situ Hybridization
FISHFluorescent in situ hybridization
FITFæcal Immunochemical Test
FITFecal Immunochemical Test
FKForeign Keys
FLAFujitsu Laboratories of America
FLAIRFluid attenuation inversion recovery
FLDXFlouresceinated Lysine-Fixable Destran
FLECField and Laboratory Emission Cell
FLNRFlerov Laboratory for Nuclear Reactions
FLNRFlerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
FLOFirst Living Organism
FLPFasting Lipid Profile
FLRFinal Laboratory Report
FMBLForest Measurements and Biometrics Laboratory
FMLFriedrich Miescher Laboratory
FMLFunctional Materials Laboratory
FMOFlavin MonoOxygenase
FMRLFire and Materials Research Laboratory
FMSLFlinders Mathematical Sciences Laboratory
FMSLForensic Medical Science Laboratory
FNACFine Needle Aspiration Cytology
FNALFermi National Accelerator Laboratory
