Laboratory Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Laboratory terminology and jargon:



FNDFirst Noticeable Difference
FNLFrederick National Laboratory
FNLCRFrederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
FOBLFriends of Berkeley Lab (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory community newsletter; Berkeley, CA)
FOBTfecal occult blood test(s)(ing)
FOGFlare Out Growth
FOGfast-oxidative-glycolytic [fiber]
FOILFederal Outdoor Impact Laboratory
FOMLFunctional Organic Materials Laboratory
FONSIFinding Of No Significant Impact
FOSLFriends of Stone Laboratory
FOTBFecal Occult Blood Test
FPFat Potential
FPGFasting Plasma Glucose
FPLCFast Protein Liquid Chromatography
FPRLFluid Power Research Laboratory
FPSLFood Products and Safety Laboratory
FRAPFerric Reducing Ability of Plasma
FRDLFamily Relationships and Development Laboratory
FRLField Robotics Laboratory
FRLFamily Research Laboratory
FRSLForestry Remote Sensing Laboratory
FRSLFood Research and Standardization Laboratory
FSAQFour Systems Anxiety Questionnaire
FSAQFallowfield's Sexual Activity Questionnaire
