Laboratory Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Laboratory terminology and jargon:



FSAQFallowfield's Sexual Activity Questionnaire
FSBSFasting Blood Sugar
FSCALField Systems and Construction Automation Laboratory
FSCLFuel Synthesis and Catalysis Laboratory
FSCLFuel Synthesis Catalysis Laboratory
FSGFasting Serum Glucose
FSHFollicle-Stimulating Hormone
FSIFirst Subject In
FSLFormal Systems Laboratory
FSPSFibrin split products
FTFree Testosterone
FTFree Thyroxine
FTAFluorescent Treponemal Antibody
FTA ABSFluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed
FTA-ABSFluorescent Treponemal Antibody ABSorption test
FTA-ABSFluorescent treponemal antibody absorbed
FTDLFresh Tissue Dissection Laboratory
FTDTLForensic Toxicology Drug Testing Laboratory
FTDTLForensic Toxicology Drug Testing Laboratories
FTFLFormate-TetrahydroFolate Ligase
FTIFree thyroxine index
FTSFirst Trimester Screening
FTTFecal Immunohistochemical Testing
FTTLForensic Toxicology and Trace Laboratory
FUTFibrinogen uptake test
