Laboratory Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Laboratory terminology and jargon:



gGGlycoprotein G
GGELGamma-Glutamyl E-Lysine
GGEQGlobal Generic EQuivalent
GGEXGross Growth Efficiency for X
GGLGlobal Gemological Laboratories
GGLGlobal Gemological Laboratory
GGLLGeoscience Geoengineering Learning Laboratory
GGTGamma-Glutamyl Transferase
GGTGamma Glutamyl Trans
GGTPGamma Glutamyl TransPeptidase
GGTPGamma-glutamyl Transpeptidase
GHGrowth Hormone
GHBGlycosylated Hemoglobin
GI SERIESGastroIntestinal Series
GICDGladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease
GICLGeometric and Intelligent Computing Laboratory
GIFGrowth Inhibitory Factor
GILCGemstone Industry Laboratory Conference
GIPLGeophysical Institute Permafrost Laboratory
GISAglycopeptide-intermediate S. aureus
GISNGlobal Influenza Surveillance Network
GLACIERGeneral Laboratory Active Cryogenic ISS Experiment Refrigerator
GLAMGeballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials
GLHGeneral Laboratory Homogenizer
GLIGlobal Laboratory Initiative
