Laboratory Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Laboratory terminology and jargon:



HCULAHumane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
HCVhepatitis-C virus
HDdistilled mustard
HDLHigh Density Lipoprotein
HDLHigh Density Lipids
HDLHigh-Density Lipoprotein
HDUHigh Dependency Unit
HEALHuman Energy Alliance Laboratories
HEDbHydroethanolic Extract of Dilodendron bipinnatum
HEGLHenmi Education General Laboratory
HELHaereticus Environmental Laboratory
HELLHuman Engineering Life Laboratory
HELLPHaemolytic anaemia, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count syndrome
HEMLHaptics and Embedded Mechatronics Laboratory
HEMLHealth Enterprises Medical Laboratory
HEMRLHigh Energy Materials Research Laboratory
HEPLHansen Experimental Physics Laboratory
HESLHuman Energy Systems Laboratory
HFEAHuman Fertilisation and Embryo Authority
HFILHeat Flux Instrumentation Laboratory
HFLHigh Frequency Lysogenization
HFLHypersonic Flying Laboratory
HFOCHigh Flow Oxygen Conserver
HgbA1cHemoglobin A1c
