Latin Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Latin terminology and jargon:



PILAPrinceton in Latin America
PITPer Iter Tenebricosum
PLAAProfessional Latin American Association
PLACPenn in Latin America and the Caribbean
PLACParents of Latin American Children
PLACPenn in Latin America the Caribbean
PLASProgram in Latin American Studies
PLEBSPlebeians; One of middle or lower class.
PMPost Meridiem
PMPro Memoria
POPer Os (Latin: by mouth, orally)
PPPater Patriae
PPPer Procurationem
PPCPeregrinatio Pro Christo
PRPanta Rei
PRPopulusque Romanus
PRO TEMPro Tempore
pros and conspro et contra
PSPost Scriptum
PSPPara Sed Potens
pulvpulvis (powder)
PVPhaseolus Vulgaris
PYLLPotential years of life lost
Q.T.Quae Tacenda
QBQuerarere Bonum
