Law & Legal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Law & Legal terminology and jargon:



TTWTables Turn Workshop
TTZTarget Training Zone
TUATaken Under Advisement
TUITATrustee Under Irrevocable Trust Agreement
TURDTotally Unrespecting Rebel Driver
TUSThe Usual Suspects
TUSTearing Up Society
TUTTrustee Under Trust
TVAtal Vaginal Assault
TVCTruckers Voice in Court
TVCPTackling Violent Crime Programme
TVCSTerrorism and Violent Crime Section
TVCUTactical Vehicle Crime Unit
TVHTennessee Valley Homebrewer
TVLCTallahassee Veterans Legal Collaborative
TVPATorture Victim Protection Act
TVPATorture Victims Prevention Act
TVPATrafficking Victims' Protection Act
TVTTasini vs. The New York Times
TVVTV Violence
TWAILThird World Approaches to International Law
TWATTransforming Weaponry Assault Tank
TWCTThe War Crime Taskforce
TWEATrading With The Enemy Act
TWGTerrorist Watch Group
