Law & Legal Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Law & Legal terminology and jargon:



WUSLWashburn University School of Law, Topeka, Kansas
WVAWest Virginia Advocates
WVAGWest Virginia Attorney General
WVBWest Virginia - Bear Damage
WVCCWillamette Valley Communications Center
WVCIWabash Valley Corrections Institution
WVCPWest Virginia Courtesy Patrol
WVHGWest Virginia Hand Gun
WVIXWest Virginia Intelligence Exchange
WVJBWohlforth, Vassar, Johnson, and Brecht , Anchorage, Alaska attorneys
WVLWest Virginia Legislature
WVLIWest Virginia Law Institute
WVLRWest Virginia Legislative Rules
WVNUnited States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia
WVNBUnited States Bankruptcy Court - Northern District of West Virginia
WVNDUnited States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia
WVOWet Verontreiniging Oppervlaktewateren (Surface Water Pollution Act)
WVPWest Virginia Penitentiary
WVPIWest Virginia Prevention Institute
WVROWorkplace Violence Restraining Order
WVSBWest Virginia State Bar
WVSDSouthern District of West Virginia
WVSPWest Virginia State Police
WVVPWestlake Village Volunteer Patrol
WWAWake Women Attorneys
