Leadership Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Leadership terminology and jargon:



CLICCenter for Leadership Innovation and Change
CLICCommunity Leadership Independence Coalition
CLICKCourage Leadership Integrity Curiosity And Kindness
CLIDECelebrating Leadership In Development Excellence
CLIMBCollaboration Leadership and Innovation for Missouri
CLIMBCredentials for Leadership In Management and Business
CLIMBChamber Leadership Initiative Mentoring for Business
CLIPCollegiate Leadership Internship Program
CLISChristian Leadership Institute of Sudan
CLISSChristian Leadership Institute of South Sudan
CLJCenter for Leadership and Justice
CLLBCenter for Logistics Leadership in Business
CLLNColorado Latinx Leadership Network
CLLNCalifornia Latino Leadership Network
CLMCommand Leadership and Management
CLMFConservation Leadership and Management Fellowship
CLNCommon Leadership Night
CLNCLeadership Candidate Nomination Committee
CLODECenter for Leadership Of the Digital Enterprise
CLOECenter for Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
CLOECenter for Leadership and Organizational Excellence
CLPComprehensive Leadership Program
CLPCamper Leadership Programme
CLPCivic Leadership Program
CLPIACenter for Leadership and Public Interest Advocacy (Mount Holyoke, MA)

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