Literacy Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Literacy terminology and jargon:



CLIPCritical Literacy in Practice
CLLCommunication Language and Literacy
CLLCenter for Learning and Literacy
CLLCComputer Literacy Learning Center
CLLCCommunity Learning and Literacy Center
CLLNCanadian Literacy and Learning Network
CLLPComprehensive Local Literacy Plan
CLLPCommunity Literacy and Leadership Project
CLNClimate Literacy Network
CLPComprehensive Literacy Plan
CLPECentre for Literacy in Primary Education
CLSCChautauqua Literacy and Scientific Circle
CLWGConsolidated Literacy Working Group
CMLCenter for Media Literacy
CNLECentre for Nature Literacy and Enterprise
CNOASCoordination Nationale des Opérateurs en Alphabétisation du Senegal (French: National Coordination of Operators in Literacy of Senegal)
COLCCanadian Ocean Literacy Coalition
COPALCommunity Of Practice for Aquaculture Literacy
CPLSCultural Practices of Literacy Study
CRALMChild Rights And Literacy Movement
CSALCenter for the Study of Adult Literacy
CSLLClinical Science Literacy Lab
CSTCamarague Sans Touristes
CUPLCommunity University Project for Literacy
CUPSCircle, Underline, Paraphrase, Star
