Literacy Abbreviations

Here's a list of abbreviations related to the Literacy terminology and jargon:



DALCDeaf Anglo Literacy Center
DALNDigital Archive of Literacy Narratives
DALNDigital Archives of Literacy Narratives
DCLPDeaf Children's Literacy Project
DHLPDigital Health Literacy Project
DiaryDaily Interaction Analysis Records Yield by Writing
DIBELSDynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills
DILDevelopments In Literacy
DILDevelopment in Literacy
DILTDigital Literacy
DIPLDoorway into Practical Literacy
DIRTDaily Individual Reading Time
DLAPDistrict Literacy Action Plan
DLCCDigital Literacy Competency Calculator
DLCEDirector of Literacy Continuing Education
DLLEDigital Literacy Lab for Educators
DLPDaily Language Practice
DLPSDisciplinary Literacy Program of Study
DLRPDigital Literacy Resource Platform
DLYDigital literacy
DODorothy Oz
DSELDirectorate of School Education and Literacy
DSHLDeveloping Skills in Health Literacy
DVLCDiablo Valley Literacy Council
